
The best personal quality of trading in Forex is: Patience

As  I have written before my personal experience in investing in the Forex market has been based on pure studying and practice and more practice… I have learned that sometimes you want to see those pips go up quickly but sometimes they don´t, actually, almost 90% of the time those pips just stay put or go down, but don´t despair, patience is the key.
Remember this is a type of investment where the gains are high but also the risk, as a beginner I managed to lose a great deal and every time I felt that crushing sensation inside of failure, but don´t see yourself as failing, think of it as gaining knowledge about Forex, when you start you start low, so your loses are not great, but it still hurts. Online currency trading is like any other part of life, live and learn, you got to learn your moves and learn from your mistakes, never get stuck on the profit you lost but rather look ahead to all the profit you can make. I even mention in the title of the blog that learning is your best tool, read and read and read, I will never stop saying this, you may have already mastered the basic skills but now you need to master the advanced ones that will make you a successful FX trader.

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